SDG 3 & IMC, Jeddah & Workplace wellbeing


Workplace wellbeing at  IMC,  in Jeddah, KSA
Work on the International Medical Center (IMC) in Jeddah, KSA began in 1998 under the leadership of Dr. Walid Fitaihi, following an idea conceived in 1993. The Center is now a state-of-the-art facility which exceeds international standards and is renowned for its sense of well-being. In 2012 the IMC was awarded the Hospital Build and Infrastructure Award, and it has also received the Makkah Award of Excellence. CSR features are seen to meet both the prime organizational purpose – healthcare for the population – and simultaneously provide valuable, desirable, and supportive job environments, including:

Community well-being: Originally a landfill site, the hospital park has been developed as a natural oasis for everyone in the local community to enjoy. Maintenance is carried out by IMC employees and the hospital has constructed a water purification facility in recognition of the need for water in the Jeddah community. The water used within the hospital is recycled by being purified and then used for the maintenance, cleaning, and irrigation of the park. Thanks to this facility, no sewage flows out of the IMC.

Staff support and development: The IMC is committed to providing support and development to its employees. All units and departments strive to excel in their respective fields and provide a warm welcome to new staff. All personnel are aware of the need to function positively in a multinational and multicultural environment and there are regular social events which help to foster a sense of community, respect, and dignity. The proportion of male and female employees is approximately 50 -50 and their ideas are considered and evaluated through a well -moderated “Ideas Bank”.

The Patient Education Center: This is to be found in the center of the foyer and expresses the IMC’s commitment to patients. Here public health educators listen to patients and their families and answer questions. Books and videos are also available to help patients learn more about their illnesses and treatment options. The IMC has made this facility available because it recognizes the results of countless studies, namely that patient involvement in the decision-making process strengthens confidence in treatment, promotes a good doctor patient relationship, and provides hope. These are factors which greatly increase the chance of recovery.

A healthy environment: Even the architectural design of the IMC is intended to enhance the healing process and provide a general sense of well-being for patients and everyone working there. There is plenty of natural light, and a calm, serene atmosphere is stimulated by calligraphy, mosaics and color schemes. Lush vegetation creates a hanging garden effect, and the hospital gardens themselves feature a labyrinth engraved in marble. This is designed to be followed in an anti-clockwise direction, thereby resembling the Tawāf around the Kaabah in Makkah and bringing peace of mind, improved concentration, and mental clarity. The IMC states that is is the first private hospital in KSA to introduce a labyrinth in this way.

Article: Workplace wellbeing IMC