Reporting of non-financial information: By presenting an organization’s values and governance model, well-communicated and inclusive reports can not only demonstrate the link between core strategy and commitment to a sustainable economy, but can help forward-thinking organizations to set goals and manage change more effectively, leading to a greater financial and social return on investment.
EMG team can help you manage and measure your non-financial impacts.
Our sustainable reporting & assurance services include :
• Data collection and Value Mapping / impact assessment
• Pre-Audit advising / Report development (ESG, GRI, IRI…)
• Communications strategy
• Carbon footprinting (GHG, Scope 1,2,3)
• GAP-analysis sustainability standards / Training
Integrated reporting is an innovation in corporate reporting, encouraging the inclusion of robust CSR/ sustainability metrics into traditional financial reporting. Combining the analysis of financial and non-financial performance provides organizations with an additional layer of information for confident decision-making, and provides investors with a broader perspective on risk in the long and short term.
Cover image featured from Petro Rabigh report our team has conducted for 3 consecutive years.