Education and soft skills initative by Abdul Latif Jameel Company. This is an initiative which incorporates a number of strategies to inspire young people and develop their career prospects. It is a non-profit organization which is turning towards economic sustainability. It has 27 branches in the KSA and five others internationally. Its financing of entrepreneurial ideas has attracted large numbers of ambitious people. It is funded by the Abdul Latif Jameel Company and NCB, while the governments also secure loans to beneficiaries.
The organization is dedicated to innovative job creation for men and women. It manages the provision of loans to help entrepreneurs, with 98% of these loans successfully repaid. It is supported by the banks and the government, and the personal contact with the beneficiaries ensures that the programs are followed up. As a socially responsible organization it expects to employ almost entirely Saudis and selects employees who are prepared to work hard and understand complex problems. Good interpersonal skills are required.
Every quarter there are competitions between employees which result in the payment of bonuses to the most successful. Health insurance and housing support are offered, as is a 40-day maternity leave package. Cars (Toyota) are offered at a discount price, as these are involved in the organization’s taxi and truck programs. The esteem and loyalty of employees are further encouraged in various ways: media coverage, including online, enhances reputation and brand identity, not just to promote the company to customers, but also to help employees feel proud of their work and to interest potential new employees. There is also presence at job fairs to reach job -seekers and future employees.
The organization considers education and soft skills to be vital to achieve career advancement and gain promotion. Knowledge and experience play an important role, as does in particular knowledge of finance and legal requirements. As to the implementation of CSR, each program has distinct needs. The recruitment of personnel requires matching the level of education and skills with the needs of the company. The organization has created a system to increase job creation, which requires great creativity. Regional managers and program managers are being appointed to drive this innovative program.
The organization recognizes that religious principles are closely bound to CSR; there is a meaning for all in the provision and maintenance of well-being and happiness. The well-being of the beneficiaries creates happy and fulfilled employees, which extends far beyond the financial aspect of the enterprise.