SDG 11 – Nestle

Nestlé is a Swiss-owned multinational producer and distributor of food and beverages. By revenue, it is the largest food company in the world. Its Saudi operation,headquartered in Jeddah,began in 1997 and has since invested US$400 million in the Middle East, employing more than 7,000 people in the region.
CSR approach

Nestlé’s CSR department operates to promote and implement ideas of its flagship CSR program “Creating Shared Value”. The business concept aims to encourage its businesses to embrace ideas of CSR, by focusing on local social issues.

“Let’s Fun Raise Together”: A joint initiative with the National Home Health Care Foundation – Western Province, “Let’s Fun Raise Together” aims to raise funds to develop the efficiency and efficacy of home healthcare services. Beyond improved deployment of home healthcare services, the Foundation also targets improved health and social awareness within its communities and offers support services to patients’families. As part of Nestlé’s “Creating Shared Value Scheme”, aiming to contribute to the communities within which it operates, the initiative has increased awareness of local healthcare issues. “Let’s Fun Raise Together” was a digital marketing campaign targeting users of Facebook, by offering one Riyalto every participant ina game application installed on Nestlé Desserts Arabia’s Facebook page. Further incentives include weekly raffles for gadgets, kitchen appliances, and other valuable prices.Nestlé collected in excess of SAR50,000 during “Let’s Fun Raise Together”, which was launched during Ramadan. The Foundation has committed the funds raised to the purchase and provision of medical equipment for patients, such as wheelchairs, respiration equipment, reclining beds, and oxygen tanks.